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The Trials of Paul Novick: Israel, Zionism, and the CPUSA

Pages 51-77 | Received 20 Mar 2023, Accepted 15 Dec 2023, Published online: 19 Jan 2024


The present study traces the role of veteran Jewish Communist editor Paul Novick, editor of the Morning Freiheit, in CPUSA discussions about Zionism, Israel, the Soviet Union, and anti-Semitism up until the June 1967 Middle East war. It assesses the deterioration of Novick’s status in the CPUSA and the development of conflicts culminating in his expulsion in 1973.

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The authors declare there is no Complete of Interest at this study.


2 Moissaye Olgin, Why Communism? Plain Talks on Vital Problems (New York: Workers Library, 1933); Olgin, Trotskyism: Counter-Revolution in Disguise (New York, Workers Library, 1935).

3 Paul Novick biographical note, Center for Jewish History, https://archives.cjh.org//repositories/7/resources/3610#a2 (accessed February 2, 2023); John Holmes, “Noah London’s “Notes on the USSR”. Labour/Le Travailleur 60 (2007): 181; Tony Michels, “Commitment and Crisis: Jews and American Communism,” n.d. 1, 35, 43, https://history.osu.edu/sites/history.osu.edu/files/commitment-crisis-jews-american-communism-tony-michels.pdf (accessed November 21, 2023); James P. Cannon, “The Year 1923,” Fourth International 16, no. 3 (1955): 102.

4 Melech Epstein. The Jew and Communism: 1919–1941 (New York, Trade Union Sponsoring Committee, 1959), 207; Michels, 2; Arthur J. Sabin, “A Voice from the Jewish Left,” Response, 15.3 (1987): 49–58; July 26, 1928: point 14 – “Freiheit Relations with Districts,” Morris U. Schappes Papers, P-57, Center for Jewish History, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Subgroup II, Series 3. Box 46, Folder 11; Henry Srebrnik. Dreams of Nationhood: American Jewish Communists and the Soviet Birobidzhan Project, 1924–1951 (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2010), 249.

5 John L. Spivak. Anti-Semitism Exposed: Plotting America’s Pogroms (New York: New Masses, 1934), 95.

6 Morris Schappes, “Toward the Unmasking of Anti-Semitism,” Political Affairs, XXVII, no. 7 (1948): 665–667; John Pittman, “Equality for Afro-Americans: The Communist View.” John Pittman Papers, TAM 188, Tamiment Library, Box 4, Folder 3, circa 1970s; “Jewish-Negro Relations,” Pittman Papers, Box 4, Folder 25, circa 1950s.

7 “Seek Revocation of Editor’s Citizenship,” Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, September 4, 1953; Peter B. Flint, “Paul Novick is Dead; Editor, 97, Helped Start Yiddish Daily,” New York Times, August 22, 1989.

8 • • •

9 Paul Novick, “Palestine: Land of Anti-Imperialist Struggle,” The Communist XV, no. 6 (1936): 509–514, 521.

10 Paul Novick, Zionism Today (New York, Jewish Buro of the National Committee of the Communist Party of the U.S.A., 1936).

11 Arthur J. Sabin. “A Voice from the Jewish Left.” Response, 15.3 (1987): 51.

12 Earl Browder, The Jewish People and the War (New York, Workers Library, 1940); John Spivak. Plotting America’s Pogroms (New York: New Masses, 1934); J.Soltin. The Struggle Against Anti-Semitism (New York: Jewish Buro of the Communist Party, 1938).

13 Paul Novick and J.A. Budish, Jews in the Soviet Union (New York, New Century Publishers, 1948), 4; Fund for the Republic. “Attorney General’s List: Organizations Listed as of January 22, 1954,” Digest of the Public Record of Communism in the United States (New York: Fund for the Republic, 1955), 68–73; Paul C. Mishler. Raising Reds: The Young Pioneers, Radical Summer Camps and Communist Political Culture in the US (New York: Columbia U. Press, 1999).

14 Alexander Bittelman. Jewish Unity for Victory (New York: Workers Library, 1943).

15 Alex Bittelman. The Jewish People Will Live On! (New York: Morning Freiheit Association, 1944).

16 Sidney Finkelstein, Jazz: A People’s Music (New York: Citadel Press, 1948), frontispiece; Dorothy M. Zellner, What We Did: The American Jewish Communist Left and the Establishment of the State of Israel (Jewish Voice for Peace, 2019); Simha Flapan, The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities (New York, Pantheon, 1987), 69–70, 158–59; Gennady Estraikh. “Professing Leninist Yiddishkayt: The Decline of American Yiddish Communism.” American Jewish History 96, no. 1, (2010): 35, 39.

17 CPUSA membership figures 1947, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York 100-80638, serial #140; Gennady Estraikh, “Paul Novick: A Standard-Bearer of Yiddish Communism,” in A Vanished Ideology: Essays on the Jewish Communist Movement in the English-Speaking World in the Twentieth Century, edited by Mathew B. Hoffman and Henry F. Srebrnik (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2016), 78; Simha Flapan, The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities (New York, Pantheon, 1987), 69–70, 158–59; Interview with Paul Mishler, October 22, 2022; The Partition Plan: The Soviet Position on Partition, Jewish Virtual Library, https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-soviet-position-on-partition#google_vignette (accessed November 21, 2023).

18 A.B. Magil, Israel in Crisis (New York, International Publishers, 1950), 24–27; “Myerson Lauds USSR for Good Relations,” Canadian Jewish Weekly, April 28, 1949; A.B. Magil, “I.F. Stone’s Vivid Account of Israel’s War of Independence.” Daily Worker, December 14, 1948; Joseph Clark, “Palestine Data Explodes Myth of Altruistic Aid.” Daily Worker, July 8, 1947.

19 “Chaim Weizmann, Noted Scientist,” Daily Worker, June 7, 1948; Flapan, 11; Report of June Gordon on the Emma Lazaru Division, Minutes of the National Board of Directors Meeting December 4–5, 1948, Jewish People’s Fraternal Order, Cornell University Library Digital Collections: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People’s Fraternal Order (JPFO); Discussion of discrimination, IWO General Council Meeting Minutes, March 1 and 2, 1947, Cornell University Library Digital Collections: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People’s Fraternal Order (JPFO); Remarks of Paul Novick, Minutes of the National Board of Directors Meeting December 4–5, 1948, Cornell University Library Digital Collections: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People’s Fraternal Order (JPFO).

20 Schappes notes, Schappes Papers, P-57, Box 40, Folder 1; “Free Jewish Worship in USSR.” Jewish Life, November 1951.

21 Novick and J.A. Budish, Jews in the Soviet Union (New York, New Century Publishers, 1948), 6–7, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26.

22 Robert Friedman, “Anti-Soviet Liars Trip Each Other Up.” Daily Worker, May 25, 1949; “80 Jewish Citizens of USSR Win Stalin Prizes.” Daily Worker, May 11, 1949; Yakov Rapoport, The Doctors’ Plot of 1953. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991; Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P. Naumov, ed. Stalin’s Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001).

23 Steve Brand, “Jewish Field: For a Full Review of Sectarianism.” The Party Forum, August 20, 1956.

24 Sabin, “A Voice from the Jewish Left,”49–58; Patterson to Novick circa summer 1956, Papers of Paul (Pesach) Novick (1891-1989): Center for Jewish History, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Folder 207; Novick to William L. Patterson, July 12, 1956, Novick Papers, Folder 207.

25 “Urge Official Soviet Report on Status of Jews,” Daily Worker, October 29, 1956; “Daily Worker Asks Soviet Jewish Data,” New York Times, October 30, 1956; Sid Resnick, Letter to the Editor, Jewish Life, January 1957, “About Russian Leaders’ Approach to the Jews,” https://www.marxists.org/subject/jewish/resnick-letter.htm (accessed November 21, 2023).

26 “Problems of Jewish Culture and YKUF,” Morning Freiheit, October 28, 1956; “Paul Robeson to Sing Tonight,” Daily Worker, September 25, 1956; Morris Schappes, “A Secular View of Jewish Life, in Jewish Currents Reader, edited by Morris U. Schappes (New York: Jewish Currents, 1966).

27 “Wanton Aggression in the Middle East,” editorial, Daily Worker, November 1, 1956; “Stop the War.,” editorial, Daily Worker, November 4, 1956; “Cease-Fire Must Mean Withdrawal,” editorial, Daily Worker, November 7, 1956; James E. Jackson, letter to the editor, Daily Worker, November 5,1956; Louis Harap, “Progressive Jewish Daily Passes a Milestone,” The Worker, April 7, 1957.

28 Ohio State Board, C.P., “Comments on the Jewish Question,” 1957, Novick Papers, Folder 32; Stephen H. Norwood. Anti-Semitism and the American Far Left (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 168, 180; Paul Novick, “Remarks at Jewish Currents Conference,” November 9, 1957, Novick Papers, Folder 249; Paul Novick, “Approaches to Zionism,” Jewish Life, April 1957.

29 Jack Kling to Carl Winter, February 29, 1960, Alfred Wagenknecht and Hortense Allison and Helen and Carl Winter Family Papers, TAM 583, Tamiment Library, Box 7, Folder 28.

30 Resolution on Work Among the Jewish People: Final Version, 1960,Winter Papers, Box 7, Folder 28; Jack Kling to Carl Winter, February 29, 1960, Winter Papers, Box 7, Folder 28.

31 Carl Winter to Hy Lumer, June 23, 1960, Winter Papers, Box 7, Folder 28; Jack Kling to Carl Winter, February 29, 1960, Winter Papers, Box 7, Folder 28.

32 Morris Schappes notes, 1960, Schappes Papers, Box 46, Folder 8.

33 Shuldiner, 158; Chaim Suller, “The Whole Truth, Capt.Goldberg! A Reply to a ‘Look’ Article,” Morning Freiheit, December 3, 1961; “Jewish Red Army General Explodes Myth of Anti-Semitism in U.S.S.R.,” Morning Freiheit, December 10, 1961.

34 Gennady Estraikh, “Creating a Cold War Boogeyman: Aron Vergelis’s Political Career,” Jewish Social Studies 25, no. 3 (2020): 103–129; Aron Vergelis. On the Jewish Street (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1971), 23, 29, 39–40, 59, 11, 113.

35 Gennady Estraikh, “Professing Leninist Yiddishkayt: The Decline of American Yiddish Communism.” American Jewish History 96, no. 1 (2010): 51; Sam Pevzner, “Report on Visit to USSR and Israel.” in Jewish Currents Readers, October 1965, edited by Morris Schappes (New York: Jewish Currents, 1966), 213–219; “Understanding Apartheid,” Jewish Currents, November 1, 2022, https://jewishcurrents.org/understanding-apartheid (accessed February 23, 2023).

36 “Charge Political Blackmail in Effort to Pin Anti-Semitic Label on USSR,” The Worker, September 26, 1965; “Freiheit Fete,” The Worker, April 6, 1965; “A Great Daily’s Birthday,” The Worker, March 28, 1967; “Arthur Stein Dies at 64; Services Today,” Daily World, December 3, 1968.

37 Paul Novick, “A Proper Approach to the National Question.” Political Affairs, January 1965; Paul Novick, “The National Question Today,” 1965, typescript, Daniel Rubin Papers TAM 657, Tamiment Library, Box16, Folder 7; “Honored Antisemite: How Trofim Kichko Became the Star of Anti-Zionism,” Ukrainian Jewish Encounter, April 19, 2021, https://ukrainianjewishencounter.org/en/honored-antisemite-how-trofim-kichko-became-the-star-of-anti-zionism/Accessed (accessed December 7, 2022); “Hyman Lumer. “Marxism and Assimilation.” Political Affairs, January 1965.

38 Novick, notes of meeting, February 4, 1966, Novick Papers, Folder 33.

39 American Jewish Committee, Press Release, August 30, 1966, Novick Papers, Folder 36; Novick, “Remarks at the Jack Stachel Memorial Meeting,” January 9, 1966, Novick Papers, Folder 246.

40 Paul Novick, “Nihilism, Bourgeois Nationalism and Assimilation,”1966, CPUSA Discussion on the Jewish Question, 1966–1967, https://www.marxists.org/subject/jewish/#cpusa (accessed April 18, 2022); Hyman Lumer, “The Fight Against Anti-Semitism,” 1966, CPUSA Discussion on the Jewish Question, 1966–1967; Irving Potash, “The Draft Resolution: Some Negative Aspects,” 1966, CPUSA Discussion on the Jewish Question, 1966–1967; Si Gerson, notes from a writer’s group on the Jewish Resolution, 1966, Gerson Papers, Box 7, Folder 12.

41 “Draft Resolution on the Jewish Question” 1966, CPUSA Discussion on the Jewish Question, 1966–1967; 18th National Convention “Resolution on Work Among the Jewish People,” 1966, Novick Papers, Folder 33.

42 Resolution on Work Among the Jewish People, CPUSA, 1966, Novick Papers, Folder 36; “A Great Daily’s Birthday,” The Worker, March 28, 1967; Mike Stein, Org. Dept, NYS, February 14, 1967, Novick Papers, Folder 32; Novick, Remarks at Gathering, re Nationalities, May 6, 1967, Novick Papers, Folder 36.

43 Sidney Resnick, “Israel’s Existence Threatened by Arab Chauvinism: A Critique of ‘Which Way Israel?’ by Hyman Lumer,” Novick Papers, Folder 104; Alfred Kutzik, The Communist Party & The Jews: Implications for the National Question, Brooklyn: Red Balloon Collective, 1994, 31–35; Novick speech, January 1, 1967, Novick Papers, Folder 33; “Violence and Reprisal at the Syrian Border,” Communist Party of Israel Information Bulletin, No. 9, August 1966, Novick Papers, Folder 104.

44 Sabin, 55; Michael R. Fischbach. The Movement and the Middle East: How the Arab-Israeli Conflict Divided the American Left (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2020), 90–98.

45 Alberto Moreau, “Appraising the Middle East War,” Political Affairs, Vol. XLVI, No. 10 (October 1967), 51; Fischbach, 97–100.

46 Sabin, 55.

47 Kutzik, 36–47; Novick, letter to Gus Hall, June 11, 1967, Novick Papers, Folder 33; Remarks by Paul Novick to the National Committee meeting, January 16, 1968, Novick Papers, Folder 37.

48 Novick to Henry Winston and Gus Hall, May 22, 1969, Novick Papers, Folder 36; Daniel Rubin to Paul Novick, May 23, 1969, Novick Papers, Folder 36; Hyman Lumer to Novick, September 9, 1968, Novick Papers, Folder 37.

49 “Lechowitzky, General Manager of Freiheit, Dies,” Daily World, September 8, 1973; Ad, Dinner Dance, Celebrate 48th Anniversary Morning Freiheit, Daily World, November 28, 1969; Interview with Paul Mishler, October 20, 2022.

50 “Freiheit to Mark 47th Anniversary,” Daily World, April 5, 1969;” Ad, “M. Olgin Memorial Concert,” Daily World, November 16, 1968; Richard Greenleaf, “May Day Marchers in N.Y. for Freedom, Peace, Worker Power,” Daily World, May 3, 1969; Ad, “Freiheit to Mark 47th Annniversary,” Daily World, April 5, 1969; “Freiheit Editor Reiterates His Israel Support,” The Sentinel, April 10, 1969.

51 National Conference on Jewish Work, September 7 and 8, 1969, CPUSA Records, Box 227, Folder 30; Novick to Henry Winston, March 18, 1970, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Henry Winston to Novick, March 30, 1970, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Novick to Winston, April 2, 1970, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Novick to Henry Winston, Sept 12, 1970, Novick Papers, Folder 34.

52 Sabin, 55; Report of Novick on trip to Israel, January 4, 1968, Novick Papers, Folder 37.

53 Kling, 68; Novick to Philip Honor, September 25, 1969, Novick Papers, Folder 94; Novick to Henry Winston, November 2, 1969, Novick Papers, Folder 94; Novick To the Members of the Political Committee of the Communist Party USA, April 27, 1970, Novick Papers, Folder 34.

54 Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East, “The Geneva Conference: Road to Peace in the Middle East,” 197?, CPUSA Records, Box 186, Folder 16; Polish Record of Meeting of Soviet-bloc leaders (and Tito) in Budapest (excerpts),” July 11, 1967, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, KC PZPR, XI A/13, AAN, Warsaw, https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/113622 (accessed August 24, 2022).

55 Joel Marvin, “Differs on Teachers’ Strike Analysis,” Political Affairs XLVII, no. 6 (1968): 90.

56 Annette T. Rubenstein, The Charter Group for a Pledge of Conscience, December 19, 1969 to Dear Friend, Schappes Papers, Tamiment, Box 3, Folder 8; Daniel Spector, “I Miss You Dad,” Thoughts-letter, June 18, 2023, https://thoughtsletter.substack.com/p/miss-you-dad (accessed November 21, 2023).

57 Paul Novick, “The Character and Aims of the Morning Freiheit,” NY, Morgen Freiheit, 1969, CPUSA Records, Box 86, Folder 6; Novick, “A Rejoinder to the Letter to the Membership on the Jewish Question,” April 1969, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Letter from An Old Friend to the National Committee, January 26, 1969, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 7; Morning Freiheit staff to Gus Hall, 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Chaim Suller to Gus Hall, July 9,1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34.

58 Echo Silver Lake Club to Party Affairs, January 5, 1972, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; “Freiheit Editor Reiterates His Israel Support,” The Sentinel, April 10, 1969; Berman-Shapiro Club, Chicago to Paul Novick, n.d, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Williamsbridge Club, Bronx to National Committee, September 3, 1969, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 7; Coney Island Club to Henry Winston, May 17, 1970, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 7; On the Case of Paul Novick, Resolution adopted by the 20th Convention of the New York State Communist Party, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; H.B., “Against Racism and Chauvinism Among Jews,” Party Affairs, April 18, 1969, 2.

59 Letter from Novick, circa June 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Rasheed Storey report, Political Committee Minutes, May 26–27, 1971, Rubin Papers, Box 71, Folder 8; Novick speech quoted in Hyman Lumer, “On White Chauvinism in the Morning Freiheit,” Political Committee Minutes, May 26–27, 1971, Rubin Papers, Box 71, Folder 8.

60 Lumer, “On White Chauvinism in the Morning Freiheit”; Gus Hall to Editorial staff of the Morning Freiheit, June 17, 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Letter to the Membership on the Jewish Question and Internationalism From the National Committee, CPUSA, n.d., CPUSA Records, Box 215, Folder 27.

61 Alberto Moreau to Gus Hall, Henry Winston, James E. Jackson, September 25, 1968, James E. Jackson and Esther Cooper Jackson Papers TAM.347, Box 3, Folder 42; Carl Bloice to the National Committee, October 25, 1968: “A Proposal,” Novick Papers, Folder 32.

62 Interview with Paul Friedman, July 16, 2022; Interview with José Ristorucci, June 23, 2022; Hyman Lumer to Novick, December 15, 1967, Folder 36, Novick Papers; Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes and Notes, December 10, 1968. Daniel Rubin Papers TAM 657, Tamiment Library, Box 64, Folder 4.

63 Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America, New York, 1967, Articles V-VII.

64 Jack Kling, Where the Action Is: Memoirs of a U.S. Communist, 49–60; Statement of Milorad Popov, Committee on Internal Security, House of Representatives, The Theory and Practice of Communism in 1971, Part 1A. Washington D.C., 1971, 158, 162; “Seek Revocation of Editor’s Citizenship,” Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, September 4, 1953; Committee on Internal Security, House of Representatives, The Theory and Practice of Communism in 1971, Part 2. Washington D.C., 19714537, 4543.

66 Claude Lightfoot, Ghetto Rebellion to Black Liberation (New York: International Publishers, 1968); José Ristorucci, “The Liberation Struggle in Puerto Rico,” The Marxist Forum, Center for Marxist Education, circa 1971, in author’s possession.

67 Interview with José Ristorucci, June 23, 2022; Danny Rubin and Hy Lumer to All Districts and National Committee Members, October 20, 1971, Gerson Papers, Box 7, Folder 12; “The Case of Paul Novick,” 1971, Gerson Papers, Box 7, Folder 12. The recording of Novick’s trial is currently inaccessible: CPUSA Records, Box 307, Reel 132_0290. Allison Chomet to author, September 16, 2022.

68 Novick, “To the members of the Political Committee,” 1971, Gerson Papers, Box 7, Folder 12.

69 Novick, “To the members of the Political Committee,” 1971, Gerson Papers, Box 7, Folder 12; Jack Kling report, Political Committee Minutes, July 24, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 72, Folder 5; Novick to Members of the Political Committee, June 22, 1971, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8.

70 Chaim Suller to Gus Hall, July 9, 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Leah Nelson, Sam Pevzner, Gedalia Sandler, and Chaim Suller to National Committee, n.d., Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Jack Kling to Danny Rubin, February 22, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8.

71 Jack Kling to Political Committee, November 3, 1971, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Novick, To the members of the Political Committee, September 29, 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Resolution from Northern California District, January 29–30, 1972, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Novick to National Committee, February 10, 1972, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Novick, “Statement before the Club,” December 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34.

72 Political Committee Minutes, October 29, 1971, Rubin Papers, Box 72, Folder 3; William Weinstone to Henry Winston and Gus Hall, November 22, 1971, Rubin Papers, Box 16, Folder 1; Dorothy Healey to Morris Schappes, December 18, 1971, Schappes Papers, Tamiment, Box 3, Folder 9.

73 Novick, “Statement before the Club,” December 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Paul Novick to Members of the National Committee, November 10, 1971, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Dorothy Healey and Maurice Isserman. Dorothy Healey Remembers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990, 149.

74 Editorial, Morning Freiheit, November 28, 1971; National Jewish Commission to All Clubs, November 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; Political Committee Minutes October 6, 1971: Hyman Lumer, “Report of Political Sub-Committee on Some Aspects of Jewish Work,” Rubin Papers, Box 72, Folder 3.

75 Novick to National Committee, February 10, 1972, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Novick, “Statement before the Club,” December 1971, Novick Papers, Folder 34; National Organization Department to All Members of the Communist Party, U.S.A., “Charges Preferred Against Comrade Paul Novick,” n.d., Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8.

76 “To All Districts, All Members of the Central Committee and National Council,” April 13, 1973, CPUSA Records, Box 87, Folder 48; Daniel Rubin to Paul Novick, January 28, 1972, Novick Papers, Folder 35; National Organization Department To all Clubs, February 1972, in author’s possession; Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes and Notes, March 13, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 64, Folder 5.

77 “Jewish Affairs Editors Disavow Distribution of Leaflet at Rally,” Daily World, June 24, 1972; Carl Bloice to Novick, February 9, 1972, Novick Papers, Folder 208; Bloice to Novick, September 1, 1972, Novick Papers, Folder 208; Novick to Bloice, September 19, 1973, Novick Papers, Folder 208; “American Communist Party Attacks Jewish Leftist Papers on Israel Stand,” The Sentinel, April 10, 1969 “1,100 Attend Testimonial For the Editor of Freiheit,” New York Times, February 28, 1972.

78 “To All Districts, All Members of the Central Committee and National Council: On the Expulsion of Paul Novick,” April 13, 1973, CPUSA Records, Box 87, Folder 48; Daniel Rubin to Paul Novick, March 28, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes, February 6, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 64, Folder 5; Draft Resolution on Work Among the Jewish People, March 29, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 7.

79 Statement of the Communist Party, U.S.A. on Current Policies of the Morning Freiheit, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Political Committee Minutes, October 16, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 72, Folder 5; Daniel Rubin, “How Some Revisions of Marxism-Leninism Are Expressed Today: The Ideology and Practice of Dorothy Healey,” October 1, 1973, Schaffner Papers, Box 8.

80 Edith Segal, “Dis-Election Time,” Daily World, October 24, 1984; Jewish Currents Souvenir Journal, May 6, 1979; David Platt, “A Colorful, Exciting Tribute to Novick and The Freiheit,” Morning Freiheit, April 17, 1977; Novick to Sophie and Si Gerson, January 2, 1978, Novick Papers, Folder 63.

81 Jack Kling et al, Greetings to the Morning Freiheit on its 50th Anniversary, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 15, Folder 8; Political Committee Minutes, Report by Jack Kling, July 24, 1973, Rubin Papers, Box 72, Folder 5.

82 Ad, 35th Olgin Memorial Concert, with Paul Novick, Daily World, November 16, 1974; Ad, 36th Annual Olgin Memorial Concert, with speaker Paul Novick, chorus and music, Daily World, November 22, 1975; Ad, Concert Celebrating the 54th Jubilee of the Morning Freiheit,” with speaker Paul Novick and Jewish chorus, Daily World, April 3, 1976; Ad, “Banquet Honoring Chief Editor Paul Novick,” Daily World, March 26, 1977; Ad, “Stars of Yiddish Stage at Avery Fisher Hall,” Daily World, March 10, 1979; “Protest Neo-Nazi Terror in Argentina Against Jews,” Daily World, October 2, 1976.

83 Peter Kihss, “Freiheit Editors Respond to Attack from U.S. Communist Newspaper,” New York Times, May 22, 1977; Ron Kagan, “The Morning Freiheit: Remnant of Jewish Communism,” Jewish Student Press Service, November 1978; Sabin, 55.

84 Arthur Zipser, “Farewell to the Freiheit,” People’s Daily World, September 27, 1988; Alfred Kutzik to Jewish Commission, October 12, 1989, Rubin Papers, Box 16, Folder 3; Kutzik, The Communist Party & The Jews,71; Jon Weisberger, “Some Notes on the Jewish Question” circa 1990, Rubin Papers, Box 16, Folder 3.

85 Kutzik, The Communist Party & The Jews, 20–22, 36, 39, 44, 51–53, 71, 116.

86 Mishler, “From Many Roots.”

87 Helena Cobban. The Palestine Liberation Organization: People, Power and Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), 186, 223.

88 Leon Rosselson. That Precious Strand of Jewishness that Challenges Authority (Oakland: PM Press, 2017), 5–6, 10.

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