Special issues

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Special issue information

Special Issue Proposals

C&I regularly receives proposals to publish special issues. These proposals have taken a variety of forms, which makes it challenging to evaluate and compare the merits of each. In order to make our consideration of these proposals fair and transparent, we request that anyone interested in proposing a special issue submit the following:

  • A 1-2 page cover letter that briefly describes the topic and purpose of the special issue as well as the guest editors' background and relation to the work
  • A brief literature review (4000 words or less) that situates the proposed special issue within relevant literature and establishes its significance to the field
  • 500 word abstracts of possible contributions (if already invited)
  • Text for a call for proposals (to be posted online)

We require an open call for proposals for every special issue. This means that, while potential contributors to the special issue may be identified in advance, they are not guaranteed inclusion in the special issue.

Each special issue is allotted approximately 144 pages in the journal. This is approximately 85,000 words total, including references and appendices. Editors may divide this allotment as they see fit, but it is typical for a special issue to have an introduction by the editors, 4-5 original articles, and 1-2 commentaries.

The purpose of these special issues is to advance conversations in the field about important directions for current and future research, so proposals should highlight the gaps they address and ways in which they intend to move the conversation forward.

Proposals should be sent as PDFs or Word documents to [email protected].

Once submitted, a proposal will be sent to current executive editors who will vote whether or not to accept it. In general, we will not publish more than one special issue per year.